The final programme for ISAR 2016 is now available.
ISAR 2016 Day 1 -Thursday,16 June 2016 |
7.45 - 8.30 | Registration (Venue: Siloso 1, Level 1) | |
8.30 - 8.45 | Opening and Words of Welcome |
8.45 - 10.30 | Plenary Session Audit Quality |
10.30 - 11.00 | Morning Tea | |
11.00 - 12:30 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Session 1.1: Audit Pricing (Venue: Siloso 1, Level 1) Chair: Ann Vanstraelen, Maastricht University |
Session 1.2: Expanded Audit Reporting (Venue: Siloso 3, Level 1) Chair: Ted Mock, University of California, Riverside |
The Effect of Auditor Expertise on Fair
Value-Related Financial Reporting Quality
Dereck Barr-Pulliam University of Wisconsin-Madison Stephani A. Mason DePaul University Helen L. Brown-Liburd Rutgers, The State University |
Does the Reporting of Key Audit Matters Affect
the Auditor's Report's Communicative Value?
Experimental Evidence from Investment
Professionals Annette G. Köhler University of Duisburg-Essen Nicole V. S. Ratzinger-Sakel University of Hamburg Jochen C. Theis University of Duisburg-Essen |
Separating Auditor Provided Tax Compliance
and Tax Planning Services: Audit Quality
Implications James A. Chyz University of Tennessee Ronen Gal-Or Northeastern University Vic Naiker Monash University |
Is the Expanded Model of Audit Reporting
Informative to Investors? Evidence from the UK Clive S. Lennox University of Southern California Jaime J. Schmidt University of Texas at Austin Anne M. Thompson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Does More Co-Working Experience Between Audit Partners Lead to Higher Audit Quality? Evidence from Taiwan Chen Chen Monash University - Australia Ting-Chiao Huang Monash University - Australia Steven Kaplan Arizona State University Yi-Hung Lin Deakin University - Australia |
Are Audit Committees More Challenging Given a
Sophisticated Investor Base? Does the Answer
Change Given Anticipation of Additional
Mandatory Audit Report Disclosure?
Yoon Ju Kang University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
12.30 - 13.30 | Lunch |
13.30 - 15.00 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Session 2.1: Audit Team and Networks Chair: Elizabeth Carson, UNSW Australia |
Session 2.2: Auditing Estimates Chair: Premila G. Shankar, Nanyang Technological University |
How do Audit Team Industry and Client-Specific Experience Impact Effort and Fees? Christine Contessotto Deakin University W. Robert Knechel University of Florida Robyn Moroney Monash University |
Planning Audits of Fair Values: Effects of
Procedure Frame and Perceived Procedure
Verifiability Eldar Maksymov Arizona State University Mark W. Nelson Cornell University William R. Kinney, Jr. University of Texas at Austin |
Engagement Team Composition, Audit
Production and Audit Quality Christophe Van Linden Belmont University W. Robert Knechel University of Florida Marleen Willekens KU Leuven |
The Effect of Real Earnings Management on
Auditor Scrutiny of Management's Other Financial Reporting Decisions Benjamin P. Commerford University of Kentucky Richard C. Hatfield University of Alabama Richard Houston University of Alabama |
Accountants' Professional Networks and Client Tax Avoidance: Evidence from the Italian
Statutory Audit Regime Pietro A. Bianchi University of Miami Diana Falsetta University of Miami Miguel Minutti-Meza University of Miami Eric Weisbrod University of Miami |
Client Preferences: Can Auditors Stop Them
from Biasing Accounting Estimates?
Brian C. Fitzgerald Northeastern University Christopher J. Wolfe Texas A&M University Kecia W. Smith Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
15.00 - 15.30 | Afternoon Tea | |
15.30 - 17.10 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Session 3.1: Audit Pricing and Audit Committees (Venue: Siloso 1, Level 1) Chair: Caren Schelleman, Maastricht University |
Session 3.2: Auditor Judgment Performance (Venue: Siloso 3, Level 1) Chair: Seet Koh Tan, Nanyang Technological University |
The Audit Pricing of Terrorism Xinjiao Guan National University of Singapore Oliver Zhen Li National University of Singapore Haoran Xu Renmin University of China |
Staff Auditors' Proclivity for Computer
Mediated Communication with Clients and its
Effect on Skeptical Behavior G. Bradley Bennett University of Massachusetts Amherst Richard C. Hatfield University of Alabama |
Knowledge Spillover from Other Assurance Services Michael E. Bradbury Massey University Adrian Raftery Deakin University Tom Scott University of Auckland |
The Effects of Prior Commitment, Risk of Material Misstatement and Type of Accountability on Auditors’ Evaluation of Subsequent Events Soon-Yeow Phang The Australian National University Neil Fargher The Australian National University |
Experience of Audit Committee Members and
Audit Quality Harjinder Singh Curtin University Nigar Sultana Curtin University Asheq Rahman Auckland University of Technology |
Are "Good" Auditors Impacted More by
Depletion? Threats to Valued Auditor
Attributes Lori Shefchik Bhaskar Indiana University Tracie M. Majors University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Adam Vitalis Georgia Institute of Technology |
Attention Please: How Does Audit Committee
Directors' Uneven Attention among Multiple
Directorships Affect Firms' Earnings Quality? Henry He Huang Yeshiva University Gerald Lobo University of Houston Chong Wang University of Kentucky Jian Zhou University of Hawaii at Manoa |
18.30 - 21.30 | Reception and Dinner (Venue: Horizon Pavilion, Level 5) |
ISAR 2016 Day 2 - Friday, 17 June 2016 |
08.30 - 10.30 | Plenary Session Current Issues in Audit Research |
10.30 - 11.00 | Morning Tea |
11.00 -12.30 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Session 4.1: Audit Partners (Venue: Siloso 1, Level 1) Chair: Roger Meuwissen, Masstricht University |
Session 4.2: Use of Specialists / Internal Auditors (Venue: Siloso 3, Level 1) Chair: Ken Trotman, UNSW Australia |
The Price Contagion Effects of Financial
Reporting Fraud and Reputational Losses:
Evidence from the Individual Audit Partner Level Ferdinand A. Gul Monash University Australia and Monash University, Malaysia Chee Yeow Lim Singapore Management University Kun Wang Tsinghua University Yanping Xu Tsinghua University |
The Effects of Tone-at-the-Top Messaging
and Specialists on Auditors' Judgments during
Complex Audit Tasks Jonathan S. Pyzoha Miami University Mark Taylor Case Western Reserve University Yi-Jing Wu Texas Tech University |
The Effects of Audit Partner Compensation
on Audit Quality Marie-Laure Vandenhaute Vrije Universiteit Brussel Diane Breesch Vrije Universiteit Brussel Kris Hardies University of Antwerp |
Overcoming Communication Challenges: Can Taking the Specialist's Perspectives Improve Auditors' Critical Evaluation and Integration of the Specialist's Work? Jennifer R. Joe University of Delaware Yi-Jing Wu Texas Tech University Aleksandra B. Zimmerman Northern Illinois University |
The Effects of Lead Auditors' Trait Self-Control on Audit Quality, Auditor's Clientele Size and Auditor's Compensation? Jukka Karjalainen University of Eastern Finland Amin S. Sofla Umea University Mikko Zerni University of Vaasa
When Following the PCAOB's Guidance Increases
Auditor's Litigation Risk Jennifer Joe University of Delaware Benjamin Luippold Babson College Kerri-Ann Sanderson Bentley University |
12.30 - 13.30 | Lunch (Venue: Silver Shell Café, Level 3) |
13.30 - 14.30 | Poster Session (Venue: Siloso 2, Level 1) |
Audit Demand in Private Firms: An Institutional Theory Perspective Auditor Size and Financial Reporting Transparency
When Incentives are Weak What Drives the Extent to Which External Auditors Use the Work of Internal Auditors? Empirical
Evidence from the Perspective of Chief Audit Executives The Power of Peaceful Break-up: Client Mergers, Audit Fee Pricing and Audit Opinion Auditor Choice and Transparency in Militarily Connected Firms: Evidence from the Military Reform in
Indonesia Same Information, Different Valuation: New Evidence on the Value of Voluntary Assurance The Effect of Forensic Expertise and Time Pressure on Fraud Risk Assessment and Responsiveness Are Big N and Industry Specialist Audit Fees Premiums Associated with the Size and Composition of Audit Teams?
14.30 - 14.50 | Afternoon Tea | |
14.50 - 16.50 | Concurrent Sessions | |
Session 5.1: Institutional Influences (Venue: Siloso 1, Level 1) Chair: Asad Kausar, Nanyang Technological University |
Session 5.2: Impact of Assurance (Venue: Siloso 3, Level 1) Chair: Terence Ng, Nanyang Technological University |
Management Bias in Multiple Accounting
Estimates and the Effect of PCAOB Auditing
Standard No. 14
CSR in Buyer-Seller Markets: The Impact of Assurance of Sustainability Reports and Material Incentives Karen De Meyst KU Leuven Eddy Cardinaels KU Leuven and Tilburg University Alexandra Van den Abbeele KU Leuven |
Integration of Internal Control and Financial
Statement Audits: Are Two Audits Better than
One? Lori S. Bhaskar Indiana University Joseph H. Schroeder Indiana University Marcy L. Shepardson Indiana University |
Combined Assurance As A New Assurance
Approach: Is it Beneficial to Analysts? Shan Zhou University of Sydney Roger Simnett UNSW Australia Hien Hoang UNSW Australia |
A Cross-national Investigation of Auditors'
Professional Skepticism Judgments: The Role of
Informal Institutions Olof Bik Nyenrode Business University Reggy Hooghiemstra University of Groningen |
A Comparative Analysis of Investors and Auditor Materiality
Judgments F. Todd DeZoort University of Alabama Travis Holt Auburn University Jonathan Stanley Auburn University |
What Drives Sustainability Assurance Quality?
The Relative Importance of Firm Incentives
versus Country Factors Nicola Dalla Via Erasmus University Paolo Perego Erasmus University Ans Kolk University of Amsterdam Business School |
Value Co-creation in Auditing: Evidence from
Auditors, Auditees and Financial Analysts Damien Lambert ESSEC Business School Roger Meuwissen Maastricht University Chrystelle Richard ESSEC Business School Ann Vanstraelen Maastricht University |
16.50 - 17.00 | Closing and Invitation to ISAR 2017 in Sydney Chair: Hun-Tong Tan, Nanyang Technological University (Chair, ISAR 2016 Organizing Committee) |
Last modified on 9 June 2016.