ISAR 2015 Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors
Silver Sponsors

Call for Papers

ISAR 2015
21st Annual International Symposium on Audit Research

Boston, USA
19 and 20 June, 2015

The 21st Annual International Symposium on Audit Research (ISAR) will be hosted by Northeastern University on 19 and 20 June, 2015 in Boston, USA. ISAR 2015 is jointly organized by Northeastern University, the University of Southern California (USA), Maastricht University (Netherlands), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and the University of New South Wales (Australia). The symposium will be held at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.

Scope of Topics

The scope of ISAR is intended to be broad and includes research papers and panels that deal with all aspects of auditing, attestation and assurance. Papers that utilize any of a broad range of research methodologies will be considered.

Submission of Papers

To be eligible for presentation, manuscripts must follow the style guidelines of Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. Please pay particular attention to the format and length requirements - the body of the manuscripts should not exceed 7,000 words or approximately 20-25 double-spaced pages. Accepted papers will not be published in formal proceedings and thus may be submitted to any appropriate journal for publication.

Paper Submission Deadline and Requirements

Papers should be submitted electronically in Adobe Acrobat or Word formats. Papers and, where appropriate, related research instruments must be received by January 31, 2015. Papers should be submitted through our paper submission system which will be available on the ISAR 2015 website at one month before the submission deadline.

Update: The paper submission system is now available. To submit a paper, please click on the following link:

If you encounter any problem with the new paper submission system, you may also submit your paper and research instrument to

Further Information

If you have any questions about paper submission or the symposium, please contact us at Further information on ISAR 2015 is also posted on the ISAR website at where you can also register for email updates.